Digium D65 – More than a Home Run!
I love the feeling of unboxing a brand new IP phone, specifically, when it’s one that comes from Digium. Yes, I’m a little biased, I admit it – but I’ll do my best to refrain from dancing in the rain with this post.
Telephony Fraud – Still going strong
Who would believe, in the age of Skype, Whatsapp and Facebook – telephony fraud, one of the most lucrative and cleanest form of theft – is still going strong. Applications of the social nature are believed to be harming the world wide carrier market – and carrier are surely complaining to regulators – and for […]
Statisics, Analytics – stop whacking off
Managers! Project Managers, Sales Managers, Marketing Managers, Performance Managers – they are all obsessed! – Why are they obsessed, because we made them that way – it’s our fault! Since the invention of the electronic spreadsheet, managers relied on the same tools for making decisions – charts, tables, graphs – between us, I hate Excel or for that respect, any other “spreadsheet” product. Managers rely on charts to translate the ever complex world we live in, into calculable, simple to understand, dry and boring numbers.
Astricon, Vegas and Geekness
So, Astricon 2014 is over and behind now and I’m now sitting at the Holiday Inn in Chicago. I have to admit that moving from the RedRock resort and Casino to the Holiday Inn in Chicago – talk about a mind blowing change. Just to give a general idea, the bath room in Vegas was roughly the size of the entire room here (mental note to self – next time order something better via BA miles).
Mobile VoIP OTT is Dead! – Long Live Mobile VoIP OTT!
What do the following have in common: Skype, Viber, Whatsapp, Line2, Tango and Kakao? Yes, there are all OTT apps for your mobile phone that enable you to communicate with your peers. Skype, Viber, Line2, Tango and Kakao actually enable you to call one another. Each one dominates a section of the world, where Kakao and Line2 are dominant in the far east, Viber dominates Japan and Eastern Europe and Skype kind’a says: “Look at me bit**es, I’m all of you combined”.
Building your Asterisk based Business – Part I
Since the inception of GreenfieldTech, back in 2007, we’ve assisted over 40 different VoIP companies to bootstrap their activities and launch their products. During that period, some of these companies had become a great success and some had disappeared from the face of the planet. This series of posts will bring the story of some of them – and we’ll try to analyze what made each company into a success or a failure.
Technology? Religion? or just pure Ego?
Open Source – What really drives it? is the desire to change and create something new? is it a firm belief in the idea that knowledge wants to be free and that software should roam the world? or when you boil down – is it just plain Ego?
Updates, Astricon, Allo.com and more
So, let’s talk PRI cards. Once every often a company approaches me to evaluate their products. I do my best to be as impartial as I can – after all, Digium products are my favorite. However, I’m always happy to see a product that can compete nicely with Digium, simply because I believe it will make Digium products better and stronger. So, a couple of months ago, Allo.com approached me to evaluate their PRI card. I agreed, and they’ve sent me their PCI-e version of a quad span E1/T1 card.
Beyond the dialtone – PBX user experience revisited
When most of us think about PBX systems, we usually associate these with cumbersome usage, confusing dialing codes and in most cases – a PBX system is automatically associated with the annoying task of transferring a call from one handset to another. Lately, I’ve been thinking deeply about how people use PBX systems, is this really the only way to use a PBX system? is there something else to the mix? can we really enrich one of the oldest operational paradigms in the world? – and for that matter, can the public be re-educated to assimilate a new breed of PBX systems or services?
I’m not rude, I’m eccentric
Today I got the chance to speak at a Polycom half-day convention, mainly to speak about Asterisk and HDvoice. Now, putting aside the part about HDvoice (I’m getting a post about that on its own), I gotten to the point where I believe that I’m currently perceived as being an eccentric.