Open Source business sustainability

While Open Source projects around the world gather up the troops and become recognized for what they are: highly polished, highly effective, extremely economical products – the situation in Israel is fairly different. We’ve all heard about companies like Zimbra (recently acquired by Yahoo), MySQL (recently acquired by SUN) and others, which had struck BIG […]

Psyched and ecstatic at the same time – Asterisk Bootcamp Israel

OK, I’m fairly psyched out at this point, actually, I would say that I’m ecstatic. The first ever Asterisk Bootcamp training will be taking place on the 25th of May, in Ramat-Gan, and I’m the trainer 🙂 If you are not from Israel, you may regard this as: “What’s so special? Asterisk bootcamps are all […]

Asterisk powers Israel’s 60th independance day information service

Ok, the service is up and running, so now I can show it off. Israel’s 60th independance day parties information service is running of an Asterisk servers – how do I know that, you ask? simple, it’s my Asterisk server! Well, actually, the service is being run by BeLowCall, an IVR and telecom services company, […]

I don’t feel right charging for 15 minutes

Ok, I’m a consultant and developer, but asking somebody to pay me for 15 minutes worth of work – I feel like a total heel. I’m a member of this Freelancers website called oDesk. Every once in a while I get a notification from oDesk, asking me to participate in an interview – which I […]

Open Source and Open Crooks

As an Open Source consultant and evangelist, I’m sometimes amazed at the sheer GPL violations companies do, in the persuit of an exit. First of all, let us understand that general aspects of utilizing a GPL product: You are FREE to download, use and modify any given source code. In case you re-distribute your modified […]