It’s not about you!
How many times have we heard or said the phrase: “It’s not you, it’s me” or “I’m sorry, but it’s not going the right way” – why do we say these phrases? why are we all so self involved with the way we see the world? are we that self involved and incapable of seeing other perspectives? – the answer in most cases is “YES”. Sorry to say, most CEOs and managers are so self involved, so self centered – that apart from their little point of view, they are incapable of seeing the big picture (or in some extreme cases, any picture).
2017 – A Personal Reflection
For those of you that know me in person, most of you know the various turmoils I’ve gone through during 2017. There is so much I would like to write about, but due to various reasons, I can’t (or don’t want to) write about. Instead of dwelling about what I can’t (or won’t) write about – I would like to write about my own personal process of growth.
Pure-ism is financially dangerous
As the world around changes, services are rapidly changing from human rendered services, to bots and applications that run on your mobile device.
Telephony Fraud – Further Analysis
Following yesterday’s post, I’ve decided to take another set of data – this time following the start of the year, with a specific data profile.
Telephony Fraud – Still going strong
Who would believe, in the age of Skype, Whatsapp and Facebook – telephony fraud, one of the most lucrative and cleanest form of theft – is still going strong. Applications of the social nature are believed to be harming the world wide carrier market – and carrier are surely complaining to regulators – and for […]
Goodbye Elastix – we will miss you
Last week marked a sad point in the history of Open Source, the highly acclaimed and established Asterisk distribution was taken down from the Internet, leaving all of its users, followers, eco-system, resellers, integrators and more with a gigantic void to be filled.
Source code and individuality
Developers! We are the modern day artists, the masters of the keyboard and the sculptors or algorithms and ideas. We turn obscure thought and imagination into real life creations, capable of doing things previously not done (well, at least not in the same form). As such, we are individuals and unique – each one of us in our own way. Whether we develop a mobile app or a web application, our unique style, way of thought, organization and coding style will be reflected into our creation – we can’t help it, this is who we are.
Federating Asterisk – truth or myth?
During this years’ Asterisk Developers’ Conference, one of the subjects I’ve raised an issue for Asterisk is: “Federating Multiple Asterisk Instances”. Now, for the seasoned Asterisk user/developer, the answer would be simple – use Kamailio/OpenSIPS for that scalability, and use Asterisk as a Media Gateway or application server.
Stanley is gone – Welcome PHPARI
In my previous post I’ve announced the bootstrapping of a new PHP project, called “Project Stanley”. Project Stanley was an attempt at creating a Asterisk ARI developer kit, based upon the PHP programming language (yes, I call it a programming language).
The natural evolution… of people and startups
It has been a while since I’ve written, I guess I didn’t have much to write about. Ok, I admit it, I had a shit load of stuff to write about, however, I simply never got around to actually do it. A full time job, two babies – or as they call it – real life, has somewhat managed to creep up to me and take its toll on my writing time. Over the course of the past few months, I’ve been heavily thinking about the role of the founder in a startup. Many people regard the founder of a startup as the CEO or some other key role in the company, but it’s not always like that. The question that I asked myself, and I have been for quite some time, is: “as a founder of a startup, what is the most important thing I need to know?” – I recently realized that the most important thing, is also the hardest thing to do.