Astricon 2015 Personal Wrap Up
Astricon 2015 is now over, honestly, it flew passed us really fast – at least for me it did. I will refrain from talking about the location of it – as it is more of less a geek’s paradise when it comes to movies and amusement parks. But putting that aside, let’s talk about Astricon itself.
Federating Asterisk – truth or myth?
During this years’ Asterisk Developers’ Conference, one of the subjects I’ve raised an issue for Asterisk is: “Federating Multiple Asterisk Instances”. Now, for the seasoned Asterisk user/developer, the answer would be simple – use Kamailio/OpenSIPS for that scalability, and use Asterisk as a Media Gateway or application server.
Astricon, Vegas and Geekness
So, Astricon 2014 is over and behind now and I’m now sitting at the Holiday Inn in Chicago. I have to admit that moving from the RedRock resort and Casino to the Holiday Inn in Chicago – talk about a mind blowing change. Just to give a general idea, the bath room in Vegas was roughly the size of the entire room here (mental note to self – next time order something better via BA miles).
Stanley is gone – Welcome PHPARI
In my previous post I’ve announced the bootstrapping of a new PHP project, called “Project Stanley”. Project Stanley was an attempt at creating a Asterisk ARI developer kit, based upon the PHP programming language (yes, I call it a programming language).
Asterisk ARI – What AGI/AMI should have been
Asterisk ARI – for a seasoned AGI/AMI developer like myself, ARI is a serious mind warp. Why is it a mind warp? simple, it’s all the things we wanted AGI to be, and the reliability we wanted AMI to have, minus all the work around we needed to do – in order to get similar functionality in the past.
Call Analytics – Closed Alpha testing group
Well, it’s been almost a month since I’ve started writing about the humbug project. Now, it’s time to actually get you people involved, at least in the initial levels. We are looking to add 10 additional members into the humbug call analytics suite. Currently available analytics during the alpha testing is inbound call analytics.
Asterisk and Amazon EC2 – Amoocon Presentation
I recently gave a presentation at the Amoocon convention, held in Rostock, Germany – about Asterisk and Amazon EC2. Below is a medium quality video of that presentation: or you may download it here: Amazon EC2 and Asterisk video files
Asterisk AGI Programming – New Book
Well, it’s finally out – my new book that is 🙂 Some of you already know, but over the past year I’ve been busy writing a new book. This time it’s a book for Asterisk developers, especially tailored to PHP developers wishing to utilizing the PHPAGI framework. The book is out from Packt Publishing (Like […]
PHPAGI Annoyances or maybe…
OK, if there is one thing I really hate, is that when something so little as a small configuration change from one version to another causes things not to function properly. It is one thing to make sure that your code is backward compatible, no one really expects that your scripting language will suddenly start […]