Post Astricon Retrospective

Last week I attended Astricon 2017, in Orlando, FL. I’ve attended every Astricon since 2007, each time as a speaker – and last week was the first time as a sponsor.

Pure-ism is financially dangerous

As the world around changes, services are rapidly changing from human rendered services, to bots and applications that run on your mobile device.

Digium D65 – More than a Home Run!

I love the feeling of unboxing a brand new IP phone, specifically, when it’s one that comes from Digium. Yes, I’m a little biased, I admit it – but I’ll do my best to refrain from dancing in the rain with this post.

Telephony Fraud – Further Analysis

Following yesterday’s post, I’ve decided to take another set of data – this time following the start of the year, with a specific data profile.

Telephony Fraud – Still going strong

Who would believe, in the age of Skype, Whatsapp and Facebook – telephony fraud, one of the most lucrative and cleanest form of theft – is still going strong. Applications of the social nature are believed to be harming the world wide carrier market – and carrier are surely complaining to regulators – and for […]

Goodbye Elastix – we will miss you

Last week marked a sad point in the history of Open Source, the highly acclaimed and established Asterisk distribution was taken down from the Internet, leaving all of its users, followers, eco-system, resellers, integrators and more with a gigantic void to be filled.

Where will Asterisk be in your future?

A dear friend, the CEO of, Mr. Moshe Meir had written a blog post on the blog. The title is: “Is there a future for Asterisk?”

I have a different take on the thing. I think that Moshe is simply asking the wrong question. He should be asking “What is the role of Asterisk in your future?”.

The GUI Game

Well, I think that I can understand where Elastix/PIAF are going with this. For a while now, I’ve seen various communications and rants roaming the community, regarding the way the FreePBX GUI is dominating the “Distro Market” – so to speak.

Statisics, Analytics – stop whacking off

Managers! Project Managers, Sales Managers, Marketing Managers, Performance Managers – they are all obsessed! – Why are they obsessed, because we made them that way – it’s our fault! Since the invention of the electronic spreadsheet, managers relied on the same tools for making decisions – charts, tables, graphs – between us, I hate Excel or for that respect, any other “spreadsheet” product. Managers rely on charts to translate the ever complex world we live in, into calculable, simple to understand, dry and boring numbers.

Don’t Replicate – Federate

For many years, the question of high availability had always circled the same old subject of replication – how do we replicate data across nodes? how do we replicate the configuration to stay unified across nodes? Is active-active truly better than active-passive? and most importantly, what happens beyond the two node scenario?