Pure-ism is financially dangerous
As the world around changes, services are rapidly changing from human rendered services, to bots and applications that run on your mobile device.
Astricon 2015 Personal Wrap Up
Astricon 2015 is now over, honestly, it flew passed us really fast – at least for me it did. I will refrain from talking about the location of it – as it is more of less a geek’s paradise when it comes to movies and amusement parks. But putting that aside, let’s talk about Astricon itself.
Where will Asterisk be in your future?
A dear friend, the CEO of fone.do, Mr. Moshe Meir had written a blog post on the fone.do blog. The title is: “Is there a future for Asterisk?”
I have a different take on the thing. I think that Moshe is simply asking the wrong question. He should be asking “What is the role of Asterisk in your future?”.
Video Conferencing Plugins – Why?
In a recent blog post by Tsahi Levent-Levi (Aka: bloggeek), he rants about the usage of plugins and various other pieces of software to enable web based video conferencing. And I say – HE’S GOT IT ABSOLUTELY RIGHT!