Updates, Astricon, Allo.com and more

So, let’s talk PRI cards. Once every often a company approaches me to evaluate their products. I do my best to be as impartial as I can – after all, Digium products are my favorite. However, I’m always happy to see a product that can compete nicely with Digium, simply because I believe it will make Digium products better and stronger. So, a couple of months ago, Allo.com approached me to evaluate their PRI card. I agreed, and they’ve sent me their PCI-e version of a quad span E1/T1 card.

Fare well Humbug Telecom Labs

As I’ve publically announced last week, I’m no longer a member of Humbug. I’ve spent the better part of the past 30 months with Humbug, working on bringing something new to the world – a brand new approach to preventing fraud. In the world of social networking, reader driven news and croud wizdom – Humbug, at least in my view, was to telecom fraud what facebook was for social networking. Ok, by no means am I comparing the two, I’m simply stating that it brought a fresh new approach to doing something, something that was usually related to mega-companies likes AT&T and Verizon down to mom-&-pop.

The natural evolution… of people and startups

It has been a while since I’ve written, I guess I didn’t have much to write about. Ok, I admit it, I had a shit load of stuff to write about, however, I simply never got around to actually do it. A full time job, two babies – or as they call it – real life, has somewhat managed to creep up to me and take its toll on my writing time. Over the course of the past few months, I’ve been heavily thinking about the role of the founder in a startup. Many people regard the founder of a startup as the CEO or some other key role in the company, but it’s not always like that. The question that I asked myself, and I have been for quite some time, is: “as a founder of a startup, what is the most important thing I need to know?” – I recently realized that the most important thing, is also the hardest thing to do.

Can you trust your integrator with Fraud Analysis?

As some of you know, over the past 9 months, I’ve been heavily involved in the establishment of Humbug. For those who may not know, Humbug is a Call Analytics and Fraud Analysis SAAS. Now, differing from many of the current telephony SAAS projects, we are not based on Amazon EC2 or some other public cloud infrastructure, we build our own cloud environment. Why do we build our own cloud? simple, we need to keep your data secured and confidential. At Humbug, we see ourselves as a cross between Google Analytics – in our ability to analyze and handle data and Verisign – in our security and confidentiality requirements and methodologies.

Business 2.0 – Taking the leap forward…

The following post doesn’t really fit in line with the normal spirit of the blog, simply because it’s not funny nor directly related to technology. It’s called Business 2.0, as it relates to the ever problematic question any business owner has: “When should I grow and how?”.

Asterisk, Greed and Revenue Shares

Revenue sharing is one of the oldest methods of earning profits, actually, I believe it may just be right up there with trading of goods and food.

Open Source, Philanthropy and Asterisk

When I started using Open Source software, it seemed like all Open Source projects are driven by philanthropic agendas. We were all focused on “sticking it to the man” – showing all these would be software vendors that community driven projects can do just as well – if not better.

Chinese Domain Scam Alert!

Over the years I’ve seen many scams running on the net. Ranging from the ever annoying chain mails to the ever popular Nigerian Sting – Internet fraud is all around us. Lately, I’ve been hit by a new type of fraud attack, a domain registration fraud attack – mainly located in China and Hong-Kong.

Astricon 2009 – Glendale, AZ – Part I

Well, as some of you know, I’ll be speaking at this week’s AstriCon convention, being held in Glendale, AZ. I guess that in normal days I wouldn’t be starting to write about it prior to the actual convention, however, this time I decided to write about it earlier. I guess the title of this post can be changed to: Tosche Mark Spencer.

Asterisk updates, rants and raves

Well, I guess it’s time for another Israeli Asterisk update post – one that was well due a long time now. This post was written after the recent hectic 3 weeks of Asterisk events and news here in Israel. So, I guess we’ll open with some news – beep, beep, beep.