PIKA Warp + FreePBX = Still some distance to go…
As I wrote a couple of days, I’m currently in the process of evaluating the PIKA WARP appliance. As I already said before, the PIKA WARP isn’t a real PBX, but actually a framework for building PBX type appliances. For me, the entire evaluation process is more or less a process of trial and error, […]
Apache vs. Lighttpd (AKA: Lighty)
For a while now I’ve been toying around with the idea of utilizing Lighttpd for various web based applications. One of these application is my Automatic Dialer framework, also known as the GTD-API. The main issue with the GTD-API (besides that it is highly reliant on a MySQL database), is the fact that all requests […]
The Annoying Thing
When people hear other people talk about “The Annoying Thing”, most probably the first thing that pops into their mind is the below video: However, today I’d like to refer to another annoying phenom, the one that I call: “letting the piss get to your head – even if you didn’t do anything or contribute […]
Open Source business sustainability
While Open Source projects around the world gather up the troops and become recognized for what they are: highly polished, highly effective, extremely economical products – the situation in Israel is fairly different. We’ve all heard about companies like Zimbra (recently acquired by Yahoo), MySQL (recently acquired by SUN) and others, which had struck BIG […]
Improper Technology Meshing
What would you call a platform that is made up of multiple elements, each one connected one to another by a very thin line of integration – having each one reliant on the other for proper functionality? – A MESS!