Open Source business sustainability

While Open Source projects around the world gather up the troops and become recognized for what they are: highly polished, highly effective, extremely economical products – the situation in Israel is fairly different. We’ve all heard about companies like Zimbra (recently acquired by Yahoo), MySQL (recently acquired by SUN) and others, which had struck BIG […]

Predictive dialers enhance contact center performance – truth or myth?

Since I’ve released my dialer framework demo about 2 months ago, I’ve been swamped with many requests from various contact centers around the world – to utilize my dialer framework for the development of a custom made predictive dialer. For those of you who are not in the know, a predictive dialer is a tool […]

Open Source and Open Crooks

As an Open Source consultant and evangelist, I’m sometimes amazed at the sheer GPL violations companies do, in the persuit of an exit. First of all, let us understand that general aspects of utilizing a GPL product: You are FREE to download, use and modify any given source code. In case you re-distribute your modified […]

Mandriva Flash – THIS THING ROCKS!

Ok, I usually don’t get really excited about distributions, after all, I did spend the last 10 years inside different Linux distros – so getting me excited about something won’t be an easy task. However, this time something took me a little by surprise, mainly, something that comes from a distro that I really used […]