Stanley is gone – Welcome PHPARI
In my previous post I’ve announced the bootstrapping of a new PHP project, called “Project Stanley”. Project Stanley was an attempt at creating a Asterisk ARI developer kit, based upon the PHP programming language (yes, I call it a programming language).
Mobile VoIP OTT is Dead! – Long Live Mobile VoIP OTT!
What do the following have in common: Skype, Viber, Whatsapp, Line2, Tango and Kakao? Yes, there are all OTT apps for your mobile phone that enable you to communicate with your peers. Skype, Viber, Line2, Tango and Kakao actually enable you to call one another. Each one dominates a section of the world, where Kakao and Line2 are dominant in the far east, Viber dominates Japan and Eastern Europe and Skype kind’a says: “Look at me bit**es, I’m all of you combined”.
Asterisk and Amazon EC2 – Amoocon Presentation
I recently gave a presentation at the Amoocon convention, held in Rostock, Germany – about Asterisk and Amazon EC2. Below is a medium quality video of that presentation: or you may download it here: Amazon EC2 and Asterisk video files
Read my words – 3500 concurrent channels with Asterisk!
One of the biggest questions in the world of Asterisk is: “How many concurrent channels can be sustained with an Asterisk server?” – while many had tried answering the question, the definitive answer still alludes us. Even the title of this post says “3500 concurrent channels with Asterisk” doesn’t really say much about what really […]
Rock Solid Clouded Asterisk
This post is somewhat a combination of posts from previous posts, mainly, the posts about virtualization and my latest posts about the utilization of Amazon EC2. As some of you may know, a part of what I do at GreenfieldTech is develop various API’s for the Asterisk Open Source PBX systems. Two of these API’s […]
Virtualizing Asterisk – Digium Asterisk World, Feb 2008
Well, I just got back from the ITExpo show in Miami, Florida. I have to admit that I really enjoyed the venue, although I didn’t really have time to walk the floor. The main reason that I was unable to walk the floor was due to the fact that I gave a talk, as part […]