Globetrotting 101
It’s not often that I write about my personal life and my family, but as my life significantly changed over the course of the past year – I felt the need to share my insights and personal reflections about these changes. Early 2017, we’ve decided to start working on our penetration to the US market. […]
On The Giant’s Shoulder
Giants! They are all around us, but we don’t even realize they are there. We are so much into looking forward, that sometimes, we don’t even realize that our current position or state are due to these giants. It’s sooooo easy to dismiss a piece of technology as “improper” or “inadequate”, even if had served you extremely well over a long period of time. Yes, if you take a Smart Phone and a cellular phone of the early 2000’s, they are fundamentally different – but, if you drill down to the basic functionality, it still is the same functionality.
It’s not about you!
How many times have we heard or said the phrase: “It’s not you, it’s me” or “I’m sorry, but it’s not going the right way” – why do we say these phrases? why are we all so self involved with the way we see the world? are we that self involved and incapable of seeing other perspectives? – the answer in most cases is “YES”. Sorry to say, most CEOs and managers are so self involved, so self centered – that apart from their little point of view, they are incapable of seeing the big picture (or in some extreme cases, any picture).
2017 – A Personal Reflection
For those of you that know me in person, most of you know the various turmoils I’ve gone through during 2017. There is so much I would like to write about, but due to various reasons, I can’t (or don’t want to) write about. Instead of dwelling about what I can’t (or won’t) write about – I would like to write about my own personal process of growth.
Post Astricon Retrospective
Last week I attended Astricon 2017, in Orlando, FL. I’ve attended every Astricon since 2007, each time as a speaker – and last week was the first time as a sponsor.
Leadership, business and what’s between them…
Marissa Meyer is attributed to the following saying: “If you are the smartest person in the room, you’re in the wrong room”. Over the past 6 months, due to various changes in my workplace and some personal changes of my own – I’ve been reflecting upon this sentence multiple times. I’ve been trying to understand what it truly means, as an engineer, as a CEO, as a human being or in general terms – what does it truly mean…
Pure-ism is financially dangerous
As the world around changes, services are rapidly changing from human rendered services, to bots and applications that run on your mobile device.
Takers, Givers and Matchers in Open Source
I found the talk not only interesting, but also it made me think about the Open Source world, trying to apply the same concepts and thinking. I rapidly realised that the Open Source world also has its own set of Takers, Givers and Matchers.
Digium D65 – More than a Home Run!
I love the feeling of unboxing a brand new IP phone, specifically, when it’s one that comes from Digium. Yes, I’m a little biased, I admit it – but I’ll do my best to refrain from dancing in the rain with this post.
The box is a lie!
The box! What is the box? is it the teaching and constructs we’ve been taught over the years? the sum of experience and know-how? the various community or industry constraints and rules put upon us to conform? – Regardless what the box may be, everybody always tells us to “Think outside of the box”.