Stanley is gone – Welcome PHPARI
In my previous post I’ve announced the bootstrapping of a new PHP project, called “Project Stanley”. Project Stanley was an attempt at creating a Asterisk ARI developer kit, based upon the PHP programming language (yes, I call it a programming language).
Asterisk ARI – What AGI/AMI should have been
Asterisk ARI – for a seasoned AGI/AMI developer like myself, ARI is a serious mind warp. Why is it a mind warp? simple, it’s all the things we wanted AGI to be, and the reliability we wanted AMI to have, minus all the work around we needed to do – in order to get similar functionality in the past.
Call Analytics – Closed Alpha testing group
Well, it’s been almost a month since I’ve started writing about the humbug project. Now, it’s time to actually get you people involved, at least in the initial levels. We are looking to add 10 additional members into the humbug call analytics suite. Currently available analytics during the alpha testing is inbound call analytics.
A2Billing+Apache vs. A2Billing+Lighttpd
Ok, it goes without saying: “A2Billing is one of the most complete Calling Card systems in the Asterisk market today.” – on the other hand, it is also true that: “A2Billing is one of the most complex and convoluted pieces of code ever written!”. The combination of the above makes for a fairly combustible mixture, […]
Apache vs. Lighttpd (AKA: Lighty)
For a while now I’ve been toying around with the idea of utilizing Lighttpd for various web based applications. One of these application is my Automatic Dialer framework, also known as the GTD-API. The main issue with the GTD-API (besides that it is highly reliant on a MySQL database), is the fact that all requests […]
The Annoying Thing
When people hear other people talk about “The Annoying Thing”, most probably the first thing that pops into their mind is the below video: However, today I’d like to refer to another annoying phenom, the one that I call: “letting the piss get to your head – even if you didn’t do anything or contribute […]
The annoyance of incompleteness
There is nothing more annoying than an incomplete specification design, brought to you as a design document. Why does every person that is capable of operating a word processor at a beginner level and operating Visio at a level of a child, believe that they are able to produce a proper design specification or ever […]