Thoughts of Virtualization – Part III – Multiple Asterisk Gateways

While this post is titled “Thoughts of Virtualizaiton”, the applications described can be easily applied to non-VM type installations. Virtualization is a wonderful tool, it enables rapid growth and rapid deployment of new servers and services. However, just like any other platform that tends to grow across the time line, it poses the same annoying […]

FBI Claims Asterisk is unsafe – what a load of bull

After seeing well too many movies about the US and after visiting the US for a few times, many people tend to disrespect the FBI in the USA. While I have much respect for most law enforcement agencies, wherever these are located in the world, I must admit, that the latest warning from the FBI […]

Today is a historic day

Today is a historic day – and I’m not referring to the fact that my birthday is today! Israel had finally adopted the anti-spam act, where companies are no longer allowed to send you spam email, unless you had specifically granted them the permission to do so. While the act in itself isn’t a new […]

Thoughts of virtualization – Part II

I really like going to events at the GarageGeeks ( – apart from meeting with some friends, having a good laugh and enjoying the casual beer, the technical talks and the general subjects that are being attended at a gathering are always interesting. This time, the Geeks had decided to focus on Cloud Computing, trying […]

Sierra AirCard 880E and Mandriva Linux

As you probably already learned from a previous post, I’ve switched to Mandriva from my previous FedoraCore distro, running on my home PC and my old ThinkPad T42 notebook. Recently, I’ve signed up with Cellcom, an Israeli cellular provider for data connection only. I’ve received a Sierra AirCard 880E, which installs easily on Windows and […]

Hi-Tech fallouts unite!

The current economical situation of the world had gotten me thinking about various things. I would say that while most people think about “how to survive the economical desert” we are currently passing – my thoughts are going to another place – I see an opportunity. About 6 months ago a team of 58 engineers […]

Open Source SBC – Is there such a thing?

Session Border Controllers (SBCs) are utilized as a means to providing both load balancing and security structures for VoIP networks. To be completely honest, 90% of my customers utilize SBC appliances, be it Acme Packet, Juniper, NexTone or others. According to a report by Transnesus, a combination of OpenSER and Asterisk can be utilized as […]

Thoughts of Virtualization and Asterisk

Over the past 2 years, I’ve come to love the world of virtualization. Thanks to Intel over blowted hardware, the ever dropping price of memory chips and the available of hard drives that hold more information than an 80’s main frame – virtualization became a must for almost any sane minded Linux users. Since the […]

PIKA Warp + FreePBX = Still some distance to go…

As I wrote a couple of days, I’m currently in the process of evaluating the PIKA WARP appliance. As I already said before, the PIKA WARP isn’t a real PBX, but actually a framework for building PBX type appliances. For me, the entire evaluation process is more or less a process of trial and error, […]

Poking around for Free Telephony

Ever since the introduction of JaJah to the world, the world of free telephony services had been booming with various solutions and services. While each service concentrated on a different market niche, none of the services really is free of charge (at least not in full). For example, JaJah requires you to register and purchase […]