Mandriva Flash – THIS THING ROCKS!

Ok, I usually don’t get really excited about distributions, after all, I did spend the last 10 years inside different Linux distros – so getting me excited about something won’t be an easy task. However, this time something took me a little by surprise, mainly, something that comes from a distro that I really used […]

Embedded Linux – Part I

I think I’ll start documenting my experiments into the field of embedded Linux devices, as the subject has been taking a portion of my interest lately – and so, I’ve decided to experiment with it. I decided to start off with something really simple, just to get the ropes of how embedded devices actually work […]

PHPAGI Annoyances or maybe…

OK, if there is one thing I really hate, is that when something so little as a small configuration change from one version to another causes things not to function properly. It is one thing to make sure that your code is backward compatible, no one really expects that your scripting language will suddenly start […]

The kid operates IE, the father is a greedy SOB…

I guess that in every parents mind, their child is always a genius. The child may actually be the stupidest person on the face of the planet – however, for the parents, the child is a genius. I think this way of thinking is somewhat a constant across the universe, however, in Israel – adding […]

Packages are a wonderful thing…

Ever used an RPM package? sure you have – it’s that little thing that makes life all so easy when installing anything on a RedHat/Suse based system. RPM packages can make your life really simple and fast, as long as you stick to the main track of using the stock RPM packages – however, what […]

DTMF – Damned Tone Maker Fuckedup

To those of you familiar with the SIP signalling protocol or any other VoIP protocol for all that matter, you are most probably familiar with the issue of traversing DTMF (Dual Tone Multi Frequency) tones correctly over a VoIP link. The main issue is that there is no one standard for doing this. While in […]

The annoyance of incompleteness

There is nothing more annoying than an incomplete specification design, brought to you as a design document. Why does every person that is capable of operating a word processor at a beginner level and operating Visio at a level of a child, believe that they are able to produce a proper design specification or ever […]

Improper Technology Meshing

What would you call a platform that is made up of multiple elements, each one connected one to another by a very thin line of integration – having each one reliant on the other for proper functionality? – A MESS!

Blogging, Nudity, facebook and the in between

Have you ever thought of blogging as a form of public nudity? seriously, many people blog about the most intimate things in the world, openly exposing themselves to the rest of the world. I believe that in some form, these people want to expose themselves to the public in other manners, however, due to society […]

Impressions from VON Boston

Well, it has been almost 4 days since VON Boston and I’m sorry to say, that not much has changed since last year – apart from the fact that this year’s VON had seemed to be a little smaller to me. As some of you may know, I’ve teamed up with Jeff Pulver’s Free World […]